Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment which works with the structure and function of the body, to treat a wide range of conditions. Maintenance of optimal mechanical function is essential to good health. Problems in the body structure can disturb the circulatory system or nerves to any part of the body, and affect any aspect of health.
Osteopaths aim to return the structure and function of the body to as near a state of balance and harmony as possible, to restore the whole person to a state of good health.
When to see an osteopath?
- You’ve had a minor injury, and it hasn’t improved several days later.
- You have on-going pain, and you have to take pain killers in order to cope with it.
- You are a sports person, or an athlete and you want to perform the best you can and avoid injuries.
- You feel like you have bad posture.
- You suffer from regular headaches and migraine, which makes your life a misery.
- You believe that prevention is better than curing an ailment after it has been diagnosed.
What Is The Difference Between Osteopathy, Chiropractic And Physiotherapy?
People are often unsure whether they should see an osteopath, chiropractor or a physiotherapist. There is a great deal of overlap between the three professions and it is not unusual to find for example chiropractors who practise more like osteopaths and vice versa. To help clarify the situation, here is a brief guide to the treatment modalities.
Osteopaths encourage the body’s own healing mechanism to repair tissues after an injury or problem. Often the focus is to facilitate an effective circulation to promote this. Techniques may include massage, stretching, postural and nutritional advice, and range from very subtle gentle cranial techniques to more vigorous mobilisation of joints and tissues.
Osteopaths undergo 4 year training, currently leading to a Masters degree in Osteopathy. They will also have undertaken in the region of 1500 hours of clinical experience prior to qualification.
Typically, sessions may last from 30-45 minutes and include a variety of treatment techniques.
Chiropractors will aim to improve the function of the nerve supply to joints and tissues to improve health. Typically, this is achieved by manipulation of the spine – the ?clicking’ that many will be aware of. Traditionally, chiropractors have utilised X-rays to examine the spine although under recent guidance this has diminished.
Chiropractors also undergo and extensive 4 year training with a high number of clinical hours.
Chiropractic treatment sessions tend to be shorter, in the region of 15-20 minutes and more frequent than osteopathy.
Physiotherapists aim to restore function and movement. There is often some ‘hands on’ work but much of the treatment may be through prescribed exercises. Physiotherapists treat with the aim to rehabilate the patient to prevent future problems.
Training is via a 3 year degree course and includes in the region of 1000 clinical hours.