This is often a catch-all term for painful joints, but actually means, “inflammation of a joint”. “Arthrosis” is a more accurate but less well-known term for degenerative, often age-related change in joints.
The effects of Road Traffic Accidents on the neck are well-known: in a head-on collision the head is shaken violently forwards and then backwards, causing strains in the ligaments in the neck and the muscles surrounding.
This is a name given to pain, weakness, and sometimes tingling or numbness, along the course of the sciatic nerve. The nerve supplies the back of the thigh and most of the lower leg, ankle and foot.
During pregnancy and birth, the body will have to accommodate enormous postural changes and forces. The combined weight of the baby and associated tissues can be up to 20 pounds.
The spine is a complicated structure with many types of pain-sensitive tissue in and around it. It is hardly surprising that it gives us all trouble sometimes. Common causes of back pain involve disc damage or injury to the muscles.
This type of headache often results from contraction of head and neck muscles. This may cause traction and irritation to the blood vessels around or in the head or to the meninges (the outer covering of the brain and spinal cord).
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Golfers/Tennis elbow, Knee pain, ankle strains and plantar fasciitis.
Improving your posture is unlikely to address the root cause of your pain, but it may help alleviate muscle tension.
Sports injuries are commonly caused by overuse, direct impact, or the application of force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand.