What makes Osteofix different from other clinics?
Over 10000 clients. Over 30000 treatments given. 99% reported a significant relief in symptoms after the first visit.
Our practitioners have vast experience, 15 years +
We treat the body as a whole. Don’t be surprised if you come in with low back pain and we treat your knee….
We have the most up to date technology and equipment to treat you effectively and reduce the pain quicker.
We pride ourselves in resolving your issues with the least amount of sessions required. This is why we never predict how many sessions you need, we aim to fix you as quickly as possible.
We practice structural osteopathy, the true classical style using combinations of osteopathy, deep muscle stimulation, ultrasound and shockwave therapy machines to help relieve your pain.
The ability to accurately diagnose the underlying issues on your first visit. This puts us in a better position to not only reduce your pain but to actually prevent future episodes.